Halftone plugin for jQuery

We know what you're thinking, "I've always wanted to create halftones with jQuery!" Well stop thinking, because now you can.
The halftone() function returns a valid jQuery object and is completely chainable.
just include jquery-halftone in your page after a recent (1.7+) version of the jQuery library and you're ready to go .
The Halftone method can be called on any canvas element with the following syntax:
$('.canvas-element').halftone({ [configuration] });
You may set options with each call to the halftone method, or globally, using the halftone.defaults object:
$.fn.halftone.defaults.background = "#adadad" ;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
background | string | #000000 | Sets the background colour for the halftone |
color | string | #ffffff | Sets the foreground colour for the halftone |
sample | string | 8 | size of sample unit used to calculate the halftone |
luminosity | string | Standard | Sets the algorithm to use to calculate the luminosity in the sample image. Options are "Standard", "Mean", "PerceivedA" and "PerceivedB". |
topleft | Array | [0,0] | top left corner of sample area position, default is 0,0 |
bottomright | Array | [image width,image height] | bottom right corner of sample area position, if left unset, the bottom right corner of the canvas itself will be used. |
zoomfactor | string | Null | 0 to expand the halftone image to fill all available space. Other values currently unsupported. |
Set up a Canvas element, draw a gradient in it and convert it to a halftone
<canvas id="canvas-test" width="200" height"300" >
Unsupported HTML5 canvas tag.
//write a gradient into the canvas so we have some image data to process... var c=document.getElementById("canvas-test"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); var grad=ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,170,0); grad.addColorStop(0,"#000"); grad.addColorStop(1,"#fff"); ctx.fillStyle=grad; ctx.fillRect(0,0,300,200); //Do the halftone $('#canvas-test').halftone({ 'sample' : 7, 'background' : '#000000' });