
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.

Halftone plugin for jQuery

Bring it on.

Wow! How cool is that?

We know what you're thinking, "I've always wanted to create halftones with jQuery!" Well stop thinking, because now you can.

Idiomatic jQuery integration

The halftone() function returns a valid jQuery object and is completely chainable.

Easy to install, Easy to use

just include jquery-halftone in your page after a recent (1.7+) version of the jQuery library and you're ready to go .

Unsupported HTML5 canvas tag.

The Halftone method can be called on any canvas element with the following syntax:

$('.canvas-element').halftone({ [configuration] });


You may set options with each call to the halftone method, or globally, using the halftone.defaults object:

$.fn.halftone.defaults.background = "#adadad" ;
Name Type Default Description
background string #000000 Sets the background colour for the halftone
color string #ffffff Sets the foreground colour for the halftone
sample string 8 size of sample unit used to calculate the halftone
luminosity string Standard Sets the algorithm to use to calculate the luminosity in the sample image. Options are "Standard", "Mean", "PerceivedA" and "PerceivedB".
topleft Array [0,0] top left corner of sample area position, default is 0,0
bottomright Array [image width,image height] bottom right corner of sample area position, if left unset, the bottom right corner of the canvas itself will be used.
zoomfactor string Null 0 to expand the halftone image to fill all available space. Other values currently unsupported.


Set up a Canvas element, draw a gradient in it and convert it to a halftone

<canvas id="canvas-test" width="200" height"300" >
 Unsupported HTML5 canvas tag.


//write a gradient into the canvas so we have some image data to process...
var c=document.getElementById("canvas-test");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
var grad=ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,170,0);

//Do the halftone

                     'sample' : 7,
                     'background' : '#000000'